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Fees charged, what they cover, cost of extras.

Fees depend on the category of care required and accommodation, payable four weeks in advance. Some or all of these fees may be met by the local authority/health service. Please speak to the manager for further details.

Fees include all care and accommodation costs, food and drink, heating and lighting, any laundry done on the premises and any other services that the staff provides. Residents are expected to pay from their personal allowance or private income for personal items such as newspapers and for additional services provided at Capel Grange such as hairdressing and chiropody. Residents are free to make their own arrangements for buying in such services.

All rooms have call bells, TV points and telephone points are available in most rooms, and residents can have a telephone connected if they so wish, they are however responsible for the cost of installation and subsequent telephone bills.

Fees will be reviewed every year or more often if the level of care or running costs increase.


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